
Starter code for the Duke project

This project is maintained by Shannonwje

User Guide

Welcome to Shannon’s Duke

Is this your first time here?

Shannon’s Duke is Shannon’s implementation of Duke and it is an online to-do-list tracker.

In your to-do-list, you can categorise your tasks into these 3 types of tasks into your list:

These tasks added into the list can also be marked as done when completed. They are all automatically unmarked when first added into the list

Here are some instructions and introductions to familiarise yourself with using this program.


NOTE: All commands are case-sensitive, but task descriptions are not case-sensitive.

Adding Tasks

Adding a Todo task: todo

Adds a Todo task into your list

Format: todo <DESCRIPTION>


Adding a Deadline Task: deadline

Adds a Deadline task into your list.

Format: deadline <DESCRIPTION> /by <DEADLINE OF TASK>


Adding an Event Task: event

Adds an Event task into your list



Removing Tasks: remove

Removes task at the stated index

Format: remove <INDEX>


Marking Tasks as Done: done

Marks task at the stated index as done

Format: done <INDEX>


Returns the task to be [1] rather than [0]

Listing All Tasks: list

Shows all the tasks inside the list, indexed from the tasks that are added first to the the latest entry.

Format: list

Finding Tasks: find

Finds the tasks with containing the keywords The command is not case-sensitive.

Format: find <KEYWORD>


Returns homework and Work from Home (assuming these are tasks inside the list)

Getting Commands for List: help

Returns a list of all the commands and a description of their usage

Format: help

Exiting the Program: bye

Format: bye

Saving the Data

Task list data are saved in the hard disk automatically after the program is exited.

There is no need to save manually.